The Sacred Woman Project

Exploring the truth & beauty of women in their wholeness.

“Women who understand how powerful they are do not give in to envy over meaningless things,
instead they fight to maintain the beautiful bond of the sisterhood. These are the real women who know that we need each other’s love & support to survive in this world. Love is the essence of being a woman. We must be that light of love that seals the bond & unique beauty of our sisterhood.” 
― Bindu

The Sacred Woman Project is a dream... a belief... and a prayer.

It is a dream of strengthening the bond of Sisterhood throughout the world.

It is a belief that a united sisterhood has the potential to become 
the second most powerful force on Earth. (sorry, nothing trumps Love).

It is a prayer that ALL women will come to know their true sacredness.

The power of Art lies in its ability 
to Inform and Influence Life.

Through images, poetry, music and words of wisdom 
from awakened women and men throughout time, 
The Sacred Woman Project seeks to remind us all 
what some seem to have forgotten... 
what others may have never been told... 

Women are Sacred!


How would your life be different
 if someone had shown you, as a young girl,
that you were Sacred Woman?

 If you had been encouraged
to get in touch with your divine feminine nature?

If you had been taught to walk
 in deep relationship
with the Earth.

If you had been convinced of
the fullness of your worth...

your wholeness?

The Sacred Woman Project is about
helping women to see the truth
of who and what
they really are,
reminding them to hold themselves
and their Sisters
in honor and respect.

Are you called to help?

Do you see yourself somewhere within the words you've just read?
Do you feel called to volunteer a few hours of your time 
to support this energy?
Can you show the world 
your beautiful Sacred Self?

If you live in or around Boise, Idaho,
are not particularly camera shy,
can see yourself as Sacred Woman,
and appreciate the power of art...

the Sisterhood is waiting... 

or text 208-473-0331.

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